Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Best Defense

When it happens that a battle is upon you, you are left with two options: charge into the fight or stand your ground?

Defense or Offense?

In most battle cases, a defense means hiding behind a big brick wall and waiting to be attacked. It means constant vigil. It's a tough job. The brick wall might not hold up, you don't know how many will attack; its a risk.

Meanwhile, some would say the best defense is a good offense.

Bring the fight to the battle. Be prepared, be strong, and know full well what your getting yourself into.

Then another choice is brought into play: how will you defend yourself? what weapon will you choose? As Wes likes to discuss often, some weapons are better than others. A baseball bat never runs out of ammo. Guns can miss fire and run empty, but a sword can't fail. A strong, mighty sword can do wonders if the user is trained and can wield it well.

I want to run into battle with a weapon sharper than any double edge sword, take the fight to the battle, not hide behind a brick wall and wait for temptation to come attack. It's time to take a stand, fight the battle full on, no cowering or retreating. It's time for war, and I'm going to be ready.

1 comment:

ldeane said...

powerful words, brother. I hear your passion. I hear the truth. When battle comes, what does one do? In the meantime, is there preparation? Can one be ready? I think it's daily, the battle, the lull, it's all daily and we are called to our sword in battle or peace, defense, offense or neutrality. Is it where we find our rest, our peace and our comfort....isn't that kind of ironic? A sword, peaceful?