Monday, June 18, 2007

Reasons why I know there is a God who has a plan for me

A few reasons that I believe in God:

-For my trip to South Korea/Chicago, I needed to raise 2800 dollars in support + 190$ of plane ticket to/from chicago/atlanta. Today I got 3 checks in the mail that bring my total support raised to 2985$.

-I haven't gotten to talk to Jessica in over two weeks. The first day I get a chance to call her I get off work half an hour early which means I could talk to her longer (the 6 hr time difference makes for poor talking times when you work all day).

-I have to talk to my boss at work about my job situation when I return from project. I really didn't want to talk to my direct boss, but the company president instead, but that wasn't going to look good on my part. My direct boss happens to have decided to take this week off for vacation instead of next week (like he'd planned) so I have no choice but to talk to the president now.

-I really have been looking for a way to get some more experience leading worship so I might be able to at Clemson soon, and today I got an email from my project director saying that we really need someone to sing/lead worship while we are in Chicago.

Those are just the ways I was observant of God speaking to me today. I'm sure He works like this everyday, but I don't realize it. How is God showing himself to you?

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