Monday, April 13, 2009

Hope. Faith. Joy.




Three small words. Three big ideas that I constantly struggle with.

Hope that I will succeed in life, hope that I won't fail.
Faith in God, that His plan will unfold before my eyes.
Joy in the little things, daily finding happiness in my blessings.

Right now, I'm trying to trust. I have no clue where God is sending me right now, except for marrying a special girl in October. I always thought I'd have a job lined up by graduation, that I'd be making so much money- have things figured out.

I know this is God trying to teach me patience and trust, but it is hard. But I sit. and I wait. Hoping. Trying to find joy amongst angst. Putting my faith in something greater. Praying for His plan to unfold.

1 comment:

David said...

Sometimes the greatest joy can be the unknown. Letting go is difficult, but when you can really do it it is the most freeing thing in the world. You are a smart, hard working kid and have a bright future wherever God leads you. You just have to let Him lead. Just remember to slow down for a minute and enjoy where you are. I love to look back and see the path that God has lead me to this very point and reflect on it. That is what makes me excited for whatever tomorrow brings.

I am always reminded of this passage:

"So never worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

C'ya Brother!