Friday, July 13, 2007

Real World: Chicago

This is the true story, of twelve strangers, picked to live in a house, work together,and have their lives taped, to find out what happens when people stop being polite, and start getting real. The Real World.

Basically, that's how it feels. Except we don't have a confessional and instead of working, we evangelize. And rather than stop being polite, we have been showing nothing but love and God's been getting real with us. (But Damon is working on setting up that confessional)

So I'm living with two blonds from SoCal (the real USC), a couple Yanks, a crazy white boy from Toledo, a Texan and a Haitian from Miami. 8 girls, 3 guys, and lots of Jesus. Its crazy. I've yet to get to bed before one, most nights staying up talking till 3-4 in the am. I normally have trouble opening up to people and getting deep, but lets just say that God said I didn't have a choice. It's only been 2 weeks since I've met my new friends, but it really feels like their family that I've had for a long time. There's my new adopted older sister, Lyndsey, who is quite like my existing sister Lindsey, except this one has a nose piercing instead of a tattoo and is a track star. Then there's my sister Chisomo, who's from Zambia and praises God with an amazing passion. We've got 2 Jessica's, one from Chi-Town and the other a blond ball of spaztic energy who has a boldness for Christ I've never witnessed. My two new brothers, Damon and Wes, are more fun that I know how to handle and constantly are making me think, both about God and my life and also about zombies and body hair. The house is basically one big party.

Since getting back from Korea (which is a whole 'nother story), God has just rocked my world one day after the next. Some firsts that have occurred: beginning a conversation with the phrase "Can I talk to you about Jesus?", espionage for the Lord, public rebuking , Kim-chi, Date night with Jesus, standing in the Spit, and parque on the EL (visit here)

More or less, its been an amazing ride so far. Tune in next episode to hear about Chicago Jazz clubs, clown fish, and Wes the Korean Celebrity. And a little bit of what God's doing too.

1 comment:

ldeane said...

amazing TRUTH, you have touched my heart with your presence in this house and you touch me with your truthful words. You are my little bro and I will love you forever. Thank you for coming into my life and showing me the love of a brother in Christ and filling me with hope of what a true christian man should be like.
Side note to Ben's girlfriend: You've got a good one.
Side note to parents and sisters: You've done an amazing job and Ben credits you quite a bit for who he is today. God Bless you.