Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Due to Scrubs
I need to trust in things unseen
I believe in having faith
Though I yield my control
I forgot how quickly things can change
Now my vision can not be the same
I'm embracing all of my fears
I am watching them turn to delight
The very fears which were gripping my mind
Are now the hands shaping and sculpting my dreams
I'm in the process of figuring a lot of things out. My mind feels like it is bursting at the seems one moment, and completely empty the next. God, I could use some clarity. I'm waiting for some guidance and for some enlightenment. I think I would like nothing more that to have God come into my life as a tangible person right now that I could sit and discuss life with. Someone I can go get coffee and just listen to their wisdom about this world we are currently inhabiting.
For now, I'll just have to settle for prayer and reflection and some fellow followers who are caught up in the same existence as me.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Because of Jesus
I guess it boils down to a bit of naivety with a mix of love for others and the belief that everyone loves other people too. When asked what I plan on doing when I graduate (or sometimes me just telling people without them asking), I share my calling to go overseas and help other people, usually it involves me putting my engineering skills to work for those that need the most help. And I really don't see it as being a big deal. Until a buddy of mine in the library today looked at me with complete shock when I unfolded this plan before him. He stared for a while, then just chuckled and remarked
"Man, Ben, I'm glad there are people like you out there. I look at people in Africa and think 'That sucks...oh well'. "
It just is something, or more specifically Someone, deep inside me that just innately calls me to serve others and to spread love to what Jesus called 'the least of these'. For me it seems only natural to have these desires and I don't think twice about it. Unfortunately, the rest of the world doesn't feel the same way. Which just acts as a greater motivation for us to live as people of change. People of love. People who care enough about the rest of humanity and their physical, and more importantly spiritual, needs that they will give up cushy jobs and comfortable futures in order to show the world that God is the one who saves.
Monday, March 31, 2008
I am cursed, but I am redeemed

There is such conflict in our world that is represented by every aspect of human perception. Light versus dark. An innate good verse evil.
Love or hate.
And it amazes me how much everyone is affected by this struggle. Everyone wants to be loved and yet we battle against it, so influenced by evil and hate and it rages out against others. The entire world is plagued by the war that ensues daily, every minute, against our souls and against our mind, whether we will be influenced by the angel or the demon on our shoulder.
The angel or the demon. Such a childish, silly concept; a cartoonists representation. But its screaming of the truth. C.S. Lewis wrote the demonic narrative about the planning and scheming of the demons that plague the unseen parts of this world. Led by the one who's name literally means brightness, the morning star, second in beauty only to God himself. In his jealousy of God's power, the liar and murderer venges to destroy what He has created. These lies that he spews entrap so easily and put an end to all life that has been given.
We have redemption. Christ has given us hope. Jesus literally conquered death, and not just in the literal sense, but put an end to the destruction of the father of lies. All we have to do is trust in Him.
But I forget that so often. I listen to the words of guilt whispered to me, give in to the temptation and resulting shame that is thrust upon me. The serpent is so covinous that I am lost in a fog of disillusionment, loosing sight of the Light that has been shown to me. Along with the rest of the human race, I am ensnared by the lies. I am momentarily a prisoner of the darkness.
We are so incredibly blessed to have received a grace that knows no bounds and a savior who is love. For without this love, this light, this 'good', we are without hope. We are not powerful enough to combat the hatred of creation, the one who despises every part of us.
We have been saved by grace, through faith.
We have been rescued for the depths of hell.
We have been brought into the light of salvation.
The devil’s singing over me an age old song
That I am cursed and gone astray
Singing the first verse so conveniently over me
He’s forgotten the refrain:
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Used....Gone soft...
I like the Used. And i'm probably one of only a few that loves their new song Smother Me.
And for anyone who was curious about the last post, I just like the song. Me and JaKing are still good.
Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time
Surely you can take some comfort
Knowing that you’re mine
Just hold me tight, lay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time
Let me be the one who never leaves
You all alone
I hold my breath and lose the feeling
That I’m on my own
Hold me too tight stay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time
When I’m alone time goes so slow
I need you here with me
and how my mistakes have made
Your heart break
Still I need you here with me
Baby I’m here
I found my place in the world
Could stare at your face for the rest of
my days
How can I breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I’m all over you
would you smother me?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
A good life.
Softly Now,
You owe it to the world
And everyone knows that you're my favourite girl
But there's some things in life that are not meant to be
I'm not meant for you and your not meant for me
Here's to our problems
And here's to our fights
Here's to our achings
And here's to you having a Good life
From Me
Good Life
Softer Now,
You owe it to yourself
And don't think that you will be left on the shelf
Cause there's someone for you and there's someone for me
Like me you'll meet them eventually
Here's to your lover
And here's to my wife
Here's to your children and here's to you having a good life
From Me
Good Life
Baby Baby Baby Baby
Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby
Louder Now,
You've lost all your pain
You're married with children and happy again
And now I'm regretting the move that I made
Fatal mistakes are so easily made
Enough of my problems they only cause fights
Forget that I rang you
And promise you'll have such a
Beautifully happy and painlessly romantic
Good life
From Me
Good Life
Here's to having a good life...